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टेन कमांडमेंट्स प्रिंसिपल्स ऑफ़ आर्य समाज

Ten Commandments Principle Of Arya Samaj

By : Chamupati Ji M. A. In : English

Pandit Chamupati, M.A., a well-known Vedics cholar,
some years back brought out a book in English on the Ten
Commandments of Arya Samaj and its principles. He
advocated and elucidated these commandments so ably that
its study raised people’s faith in Arya Samaj and its principles
to a very high level. The first edition of the book was
exhausted soon and was out of print for some time. I am glad
that it is being re-published for the good of the intelligentsia.
This book is not only worth studying but is also
worth possessing by every English knowing person for the
development of one’s spiritual progress and day-to-day
dealings in the worldly life.
I strongly commend that every one should possess
this valuable book, as its study will enable one to know what
Arya Samaj is and what it stands for. Its study will bring home
to the people that Arya Samaj is a universal movement started
by the most reverend Swami Daya Nanda Saraswati for the
benefit of mankind and its spiritual and material uplift, so
essential for the good of the society.
- Ananda Swami Saraswati

  • Title : टेन कमांडमेंट्स प्रिंसिपल्स ऑफ़ आर्य समाज

    Sub Title : N/A

    Series Title : N/A

    Language : English

    Category :

    Subject : वैदिक धर्म

    Author 1 : चमूपति जी एम्. ए.

    Author 2 : N/A

    Translator : N/A

    Editor : N/A

    Commentator : N/A

    Publisher : Vedic Prakashan

    Edition : N/A

    Publish Year : N/A

    Publish City : New Delhi

    ISBN # : N/A


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