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आर्यों के सोलह संस्कार
The Sixteen Rituals of Aaryas
By : Acharya Gyaneshvar Arya In : EnglishThe book that follows is a wholesome source of the rituals
that are performed among the Aaryas. The custom of rituals is
not based on mere whims and fancies but has a scientific
approach. These practices seem vital to the development and
progress of individuals and consequently a nation. The editor
Aachaarya Shree Gyaaneshwaraaryaji has compiled the book
meticulously and concisely. His vast knowledge and reference to
authentic sources like Charak and Sushrut - the ancient books
of medicine - leaves no point smudgy. The book is intended to
effectively reach out to the scores of people who are unaware of
these rituals and their purpose. I thank Aachaaryaji for lending
me an opportunity to contribute in the unending effort of the
spread of knowledge.
Title : आर्यों के सोलह संस्कार
Sub Title : N/A
Series Title : N/A
Language : English
Category :
Subject : सोलह संस्कार
Author 1 : आचार्य ज्ञानेश्वर आर्य
Author 2 : N/A
Translator :
Editor : N/A
Commentator : N/A
Publisher : Vaanprastha Saadhak Aashram
Edition : N/A
Publish Year : N/A
Publish City : Rojad
ISBN # : N/A